Outside Projects Make Zac Brown Band More Creative Together

The Zac Brown Band

By Riane Konc March 28, 2016 4:30 PM

Joe Scarnici, Getty Images


Adds John Driskell Hopkins, “I’ve always maintained that everybody in Zac Brown Band is a band leader. Coy [Bowles] and Clay [Cook] and I all have our own records and had them before we joined the band. Jimmy used to be one of the main driving forces of the Dave Matthews Cover Band, and they were playing 1,200-seat theaters. All the guys in the band have been music directors and very influential in their own careers before joining this band. So, basically, we’ve continued to live the way that we would normally live but also make our main focus Zac Brown Band.”

As Hopkins explains, their continuing outside projects fulfill a basic need to be independently creative.

“It’s a little tricky in terms of the schedule, but we’re a group of guys that have to create,” he says. “And I’ve been a band leader since I was, you know, 20, so it’s something that I don’t know how not to do it. I have to write my own songs. I have to sing them. And I have to be in front of the mic once in a while.”

Read More: Outside Projects Make Zac Brown Band More Creative Together | http://theboot.com/zac-brown-band-solo-projects/?trackback=tsmclip

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